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4. Lug Nut Looters
Mission Lug Nut Looters
Chapek 9
Required Character:
Burglar Bender
Recommended Level:
Number of Paths:
Previous Mission:
Eye Opener
Next Mission:
Disrespect Your Elders
The crew takes what isn't theirs.

Lug Nut Looters is the fourth mission on Chapek 9. Burglar Bender is required to start this mission.

Rewards[ | ]

Repeat Rewards First Time Rewards
3Icon Chip Del Giga Giga Delivery Chips 3Icon Chip Del Giga Giga Delivery Chips
3Icon Chip Inf Giga Giga Influencer Chips 3Icon Chip Inf Giga Giga Influencer Chips
3Icon Chip Job Giga Giga Career Chips 3Icon Chip Job Giga Giga Career Chips
45Hypnoton 90Hypnoton
50XP 100XP
100% Completion
5 Pizza
Combat Rewards Interaction Rewards
45 Nixonbucks 20 XP 30 Nixonbucks 20 XP

Paths[ | ]

Path Fuel Path Locks Helpful Characters Combats Interactions
1 (AC) 24 None Robot14, Captain13, Burglar Bender 6 2
2 (AD) 23 None Robot14, Captain13, Burglar Bender 5 1
3 (AE) 23 Smitty15 Robot14, Captain13, Burglar Bender, URL 7 2
4 (AF) 25 Smitty15 Robot14, Captain13, Burglar Bender 9 2
5 (BC) 24 None Robot14, Captain13, Burglar Bender 5 2
6 (BD) 23 None Robot14, Captain13, Burglar Bender 4 1
7 (BE) 23 Smitty15 Robot14, Captain13, Burglar Bender, URL 6 2
8 (BF) 25 Smitty15 Robot14, Captain13, Burglar Bender 8 2

Map[ | ]

Lug Nut Looters Map with Paths and Interaction Points

Space Interactions[ | ]

A Lug Nut Case[ | ]

All paths, node 1

Go on, take the lug nuts and run.

You infiltrate the Robot Elders' lug nut storage facility. A few roboguards roboguard the lug nuts.
  1. Rush past the roboguards (76% chance: 1Icon Chip Job Giga; fail: -50HP)
  2. Hack their operating systems. (Requires L14 Robot: 1Icon Chip Job Giga)
  3. Beat them silly. (Requires L13 Captain: 1Icon Chip Job Giga)
[Insert dialogue]
  1. Casually stroll into the vault. (6XP)
  2. Disarm the booby trap. (Requires L14 Robot: 1Icon Chip Job Giga)
  3. Smash the booby trap. (76% chance: fail: -100HP; 1Icon Chip Job Giga)
[Insert dialogue]
  1. Enough to finish the plan. (31XP)
  2. Take some extra to sell (Requires L14Burglar Bender: 310Nixonbucks)
  3. Grab to your heart's content. (76% chance: fail: -120HP; 310Nixonbucks)

Revenge of the Space Pirates[ | ]

Path C, node 1

What do they want revenge for? You just got here.

After your heist, you head back into space with your loot. There you encounter space pirates.
Ruthless (and toothless) pirates board your ship and demand your lug nuts. What say ye?
  1. Act like a pirate. (Requires L15 Influencer: 3Icon Chip Inf Mega)
  2. Think like a pirate. (76% chance: fail -300HP; 3Icon Chip Inf Mega)
  3. Talk like a pirate. (6XP)

On Guard[ | ]

Path E, node 1

The best guards have on-off switches.

You duck outside the city walls but encounter a Chapek Guard. Smitty tries to handle it, cop to robocop.
  1. Respond aggressively. (6XP)
  2. Respond courteously. (6XP)
[Insert dialogue]
  1. Answer honestly. (6XP)
  2. Lie boldly. (26% chance: fail: -100HP)
  3. Call URL for help. (Requires URL, 6XP)

Chapek 9X9 Maze[ | ]

Path F, node 1

No restaurant placemat maze could prepare you for this.

You enter Chapek 9, where everyone wants to kill you. So that's par for the course.
An intelligent mind would hide. But in your case, which way do you want to go?
  1. Take the alley. They're safe. (6XP)
    1. Head left, it feels right. (6XP)
      1. Keep going. One leg still works. (fail: -300HP)
      2. Limp back to the alley. (6XP)
    2. Go right. It's what's left. (1Icon Chip Rob Mega)
      1. Go right. It can't be wrong. (6XP)
      2. Pick the straight and narrow. (2Icon Chip Rob Mega)
  2. Take the main road. It's well lit. Mainly. (fail: -300HP)
    1. Take the left alley. (1Icon Chip Rob Mega)
      1. Go right. It can't be wrong. (6XP)
      2. Pick the straight and narrow. (2Icon Chip Rob Mega)
    2. Keep on the main road. (fail: -400HP)
      1. Take the left alley. (2 mega robot)
      2. Keep on the main road. (fail: -500HP)
      3. Take the right alley. (6XP)
    3. Take the right alley. (6XP)
      1. Head back to the main road. (fail: -400HP)
        1. Take the left alley. (2Icon Chip Rob Mega)
        2. Keep on the main road. (fail: -500HP)
        3. Take the right alley. (6XP)
      2. Keep going. What could go wrong? (6XP)

Story[ | ]

Enemy Sprites[ | ]

GiantBee idle
Space Bee
RobotPirates 1 idle
Space Pirate
Paramecium idle
AntiHumanPatrol idle
Anti-human Patrol
RobotGuard idle
Chapek Guard

See Also[ | ]
